I am Back - where have I been?

Jun 13, 2023

Over the last year or so, you might have wondered what happened to Kerry. 

Yes, I have been very quiet… here’s why, a bit of my journey and what I have learned.

While running my last Hearing God’s Mentorship class, the home we were renting was sold, we were frantically trying to find a place to stay, and we were facing big decisions and so much change. I found myself having to step back into the working world - very scary! The fear and self-doubt were crippling at times. God was faithful and within a week of putting my CV out, I landed a part-time job, and a month later I had a second job.

The shift into the working world was very hard. Balancing mom, school, and the growing responsibilities at work I found myself losing sight of the things that fulfill me. The project I found myself working on was exciting and I was learning at a rapid rate. I know God was teaching me many things but it was still a hard season. However, the stress I was under was taking a toll on my physical and mental health.

 After a sudden chain of events in October last year, Cliff and I found ourselves moving back to Melkbosstrand, our hometown and community.

 Trying to settle into our new life, new schools, and balancing my new much longer commute to work and back, the health issues I was experiencing got worse. Long story short, 3 surgeries later and 6 weeks in bed got me questioning many things - What is my purpose? What makes me happy?

 Over and over there was one thing that kept coming back - I love teaching people to hear God’s voice and walk boldly in the Kingdom. In fact, the only reason I survived my job and started to thrive in it was because I was hearing God and responding to what he was saying.

 Looking back, I can see how God has carried me through this season with His still soft voice. I have misbehaved, given up, shouted, cried, and lost the plot, but He was always there.

 The last 2 years have been a season where the enemy has thrown all he could at me. He has tried to distract me, disqualify me, and disable me - BUT JESUS has been faithful in carrying me and protecting me. I’m able to look back and confidently say that because of His grace and love, I will not be shaken!!


I am excited to say to Jesus!  Yes to who he says I am, Yes to my purpose, and yes to serve him as he leads.

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